Thursday, January 20, 2011

~~kisah tentang kepala otak andA~~

CHakk....hyep oll..ptg ni tangan aku terase aktif untuk menaip2 sedikit coretan utk menambah pengetahuan korang sumer...yelah,kadang2 ape yang kite xtahu,kite boleh tahu kan, sini,aku na menahu2kan kamu sumer ttg otak kiter nie..jadi,kalau korang rajin korang bace aku speaking lam bahase yg mudah difahami iaitu bahasa inggeris...hehe .ehem2..(betulkan tekak dulu)...macam nie bunyinyer.........

If u hold a pen in your WRONG hand,writing become uncomfortable and difficult.But keep doing it and u will get better at it - u learn.This is because connections between neurons in your brain get stronger,and ur brain grows.
In our early years our brains grow very fast as we learn language,writing,numbers,music,and how to coordinate movement.By the time we are teenagers,each neuron in our brain has connected to tens of thousands of other neurons,and every time we have a new thought or memory,our brains make new connections.Just as muscle get stronger by using them,the brain develops when it stimulated.Without stimulation,it gradually dies.
Ahealthy brain does not lose huge numbers of brain cells at it ages.It continues to rewire itself and grow new neurons.However,degenerative brain disease are very common in old age,and so we associate ageing with disease such as Alzheimer's disease.
Even thought these disease are very common in the elderly,it is a mistake to think that old age automatically equals mental decline.When elderly people who do not have Alzheimer's disease suffer age-related losses of memory and motor skills,it is often not because of ageing,but because of inactivity and lack of mental stimulation. 

(ni bukan otak lembu la gambaran otak manusia)

adeh,berbelit2 lidah i speaking london u....haaaa..begitulah petikannye yang aku dapat dari dalam buku oxford english for careers nursing by Tony Grice..skang korang da taw kan,kite kenela rajen2 gunekan kepale otak kite nie..barula neuron2 yg ade di dalam otak kite semakin kuat n sentiasa berkembang. otak pon akan sentiase cergas n penyakit lupe2 ingat yg slalu korang dapat tu  boley dihindari..jd,sayangilah otak yg telah dianugerahkan oleh Tuhan n yg penting,jgn makan semot banyak2..hihihiiiiii.. :P

okeh..kat sini aku na uji sikit otak korang same ade otak korang still lam keadaan yg baek lagi ataupon da on da way nak rosak.. try dis..!!

haaa..ape yg korang nampak kat ketige2 bende alah tu...?? kalau korang nampak bende tu bergerak,maknenyer otak korang sekarang ni dalam keadaan yg x stabil..kalau korang nampak bende tu xbergerak,tu menandakan bahawa otak korang maseh lagi,syabas kepade makhluk2 yg mempunyai otak yang stabil lagi tuu..yg xstabil tu banyak2 la berehat yer...(oppss,otak aku pon xstabil skang nih) hihi (^_^)

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